Warhammer 2: Reliability

Reliability in Total War: Warhammer 2 indicates how likely your faction is to break agreements with other factions.

Total War: Warhammer 2 is a thrilling video game that invites gamers to enjoy turn-based strategising and real-time tactics.

It is set in the same Warhammer Fantasy fictitious world in which you can move your armies around a map and control settlements in a turn-based manner. Players can also engage in diplomacy, fight other factions, and complete quests.

There are various activities and in-game events that you can enjoy, however, you first have to complete a tutorial mission to familiarise yourself with the game’s mechanics.

After completing the tutorial, you are free to do whatever you want in the game. While advancing in the campaign mode, you will engage in diplomatic actions, but bear in mind that you need to maintain your reliability rating.


Diplomacy generally occurs between factions in the campaign mode. Diplomatic actions include trade agreements, alliances, and declarations of war and peace. Players can propose or receive diplomatic actions on the diplomacy screen.

Some diplomatic actions can be commenced or concluded by one party, such as the declaration of war or cancellation of an alliance. However, others must be agreed on by both parties, like the creation of alliances or trade agreements.

Any diplomatic action can be accepted or rejected, or a counter-offer can also be proposed. It’s worth remembering that breaking an agreement can result in a lower attitude and a lower reliability rating.

Warhammer 2: Reliability

Reliability is known as trustworthiness, and it is a rating given to factions to show how likely they are to break agreements. In other words, it reflects how trustworthy and reliable a faction is regarded as by others.

Warhammer 2 players should not confuse reliability with attitude, which reflects how much a faction likes another faction.

A high reliability rating indicates that other factions will be more likely to offer and accept diplomatic agreements with you, and a low rating means that the faction is prone to breaking agreements. It is crucial to note that reliability is a global rating and not individual.

If your faction breaks a diplomatic agreement, especially a recently-made agreement, its reliability rating decreases. The amount of reliability lost is proportional to the length of the deal; declaring a war on a faction the turn after you signed a nonaggression pact is the easiest way to decrease your rating.

As you progress in the game, you will find that the interactions between factions get more complicated. You are likely to find yourself in a situation where your reliability is affected no matter what you do.

This generally occurs when 2 of your allies go to war with one another and helping one ally will be seen as betraying the other. However, staying out of the battle means that you are dishonouring your alliance with both factions.

When discussing alliances, it is advisable that you attempt to form relations with factions that also like each other. This decreases the chances of your allies starting a war against each other.

How to increase reliability

Unfortunately, there are not many methods that you can use to increase your reliability rating. The only known way to increase your rating is to enter long-term agreements with other empires and to stick to them.

Some of the agreements that you can have with another faction include a non-aggression pact or a trade agreement. A non-aggression agreement is a simple promise to not attack each other, but this does not prevent your ally or your troops from raiding the other.

While a trade agreement allows factions to exchange resources in order to generate an additional income, breaking your agreement with another faction for any reason reduces your reliability.

What can reduce your reliability rating?

There are numerous diplomatic actions in Warhammer 2, however, not all of them can influence your reliability rating. The table below lists some of the diplomatic actions and how they affect your rating:

Agreement Effect
Defensive Alliance Refusing a call-to-arms will break the Defensive Alliance, if you have one, and reduce your reliability
Military Alliance When you refuse a call-to-arms with a faction that you have a Military Alliance with, your reliability rating will decrease
Non-Aggression Pact Declaring war in violation of this agreement results in a larger reduction in the aggressor’s reliability than usual

What is the reliability rating?

Details about your faction can be found on the left panel of the Diplomacy screen. In this menu, you can discover your allies, enemies, agreements, and ratings, among other things. Your reliability can be rated in 5 categories. The categories are listed from highest to lowest:

  • Steadfast
  • Dependable
  • Trustworthy
  • Untrustworthy
  • Unreliable

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